
Utility muffin research kitchen

69 posts 12 followers 30 following

To all people sharing content bordering on CP or any doubtful legality

Like "Deltakappa10" or others like them







Most of us, who were here since many years, and even before that. Back on the



This was supposed to be a safe space for us all. Kind and fragile souls. Some of us who suffered abuse. Physical, mental or sexual alike. 

I don't feel safe here. Not anymore. 


I'd like to everyone sharing my concerns to repost that. 

Thank you. 

Reposted from mtsen via djlangley


Yo admin guy

sorry dude,i know how trying your best,but you have to step up. please kick those fucking pedo-posters out. and those who constantly repost them. cause otherwise,sooner or later,the authorities will have to monitor and track the living shit out of this Site. Be aware,that some of that stuff they post might be illegal to have on your phone or computerscreen in some countries,no matter if you wanted to see  it or not. some of us breaking the law by scrolling down here. (yes,having the picture in question somewhere in your grafics buffer is enough to be called guilty) If you need help,maybe someone who can do somethign with the email-adressess those fuckers are using to home in on them,let me kow,i'll find some contacts in the field.

Reposted from oneeyed via dituttounpo

Petition to either

A - change the website name to pornforo

B - add a separate filter for people who want to show off their dongs to each other and allo normal people to browse decent NSFW

Reposted from theturbobear via voodoo

Too many accounts posting only porn... hardcore porn. I'm starting to think they should be flagged as such and that there should be a way for them to be easily and collectively blocked. And I don't mean NSFW switch. 

There's great difference between erotica and that mindless humping I'm seeing on "everyone". 

I want erotic stuff, I don't want the humping, and there should be some switch for that.

Reposted from tajasne via djlangley